In shades of tarnished gold.
Questioning and beckoning,
I fear his icy hold.
He reaches out and grasps for me,
With bony misformed hand.
I strike out in a desperate wrath!
For this is not my land."
"Go away, Leave me be!
I've much yet must be done!"
He looks at me a deathly stare
I turn for I must run.
Down the road eternity
Is ever drawing near
But with my small respite has come
A lessening of fear.
I turn to him and raise a sword
I've found that's in my hand.
My eyes are strong, my voice is true
I make my final stand.
"Come good Reaper, try this man
For I shall run no more."
"My Country loves me far away
That's what I fight for."
He hesitates and slows his gait
He sees that I wont run.
Marine Corps Honor strong in me
He faces more than one.
Then he turns and disappears
My battles won this day.
My love for Country strong and true
I raise my eyes and pray.
Garth Holt Cpl. USMC
That was beauitful! Great work
Incredible what you do for your country. Thank you!
military boots
Excellent! I relate but in a different circumstance. I'm a writer also and I could picture and feel the implications. May I use it in my Facebook group....Trauma Recovery? Of course with your blessing and name. Godspeed, Amber
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