Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Silent Reaper

"The silent reaper comes to me
In shades of tarnished gold.
Questioning and beckoning,
I fear his icy hold.

He reaches out and grasps for me,
With bony misformed hand.
I strike out in a desperate wrath!
For this is not my land."

"Go away, Leave me be!
I've much yet must be done!"
He looks at me a deathly stare
I turn for I must run.

Down the road eternity
Is ever drawing near
But with my small respite has come
A lessening of fear.

I turn to him and raise a sword
I've found that's in my hand.
My eyes are strong, my voice is true
I make my final stand.

"Come good Reaper, try this man
For I shall run no more."
"My Country loves me far away
That's what I fight for."

He hesitates and slows his gait
He sees that I wont run.
Marine Corps Honor strong in me
He faces more than one.

Then he turns and disappears
My battles won this day.
My love for Country strong and true
I raise my eyes and pray.

Garth Holt Cpl. USMC


Anonymous said...

That was beauitful! Great work

Anonymous said...

Incredible what you do for your country. Thank you!

military boots

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I relate but in a different circumstance. I'm a writer also and I could picture and feel the implications. May I use it in my Facebook group....Trauma Recovery? Of course with your blessing and name. Godspeed, Amber